From the women who came before us

Every February I feel the deep ache of missing both of my grandmothers, who were born this month. I simultaneously grieve them and celebrate the memories I have. I feel them deep in my bones in ways that defy words and understanding, but they both imparted a profoundly deep love to me, and its effects continue to anchor and buoy me in my life.  

I remember being nine years old and traveling to California to visit extended family with Grandma Mary. "A woman just landed this plane" she said, clearly impressed. She took the opportunity to compliment the captain on the way off the plane; "that was the smoothest landing I've ever experienced," she told her.  She was a woman in a very traditional life, but she was a feminist through and through and helped me understand the importance of noticing women in the world. It was an early lesson in representation, and I had no idea at the time what a key pearl of wisdom it would be for me later on. 

When I had my own babies she said, "save a little something for yourself," understanding that the demand of babies and family life and cultural expectations could drain away all that I had. I understand all these years later that she didn't want me to lose myself in the torrent of our new life--my dreams, visions, passions and drive. She loved babies, and was thrilled that I had my own--but after raising 6 kids of her own, she knew well that the demands of family life could be enough to derail even the most irrepressible of personalities.


As I face the challenges of my own family life and career, I am grateful for these courageous women who came before me and are still with me, reminding me to hold on to what is truest about myself. They fought to find their voices against the cultural expectations of their time and I honor that struggle by continuing that work at the Maternal Wellness Center as we create a space for women to support other women and find what is authentic for them in their own lives and in their journey of motherhood. 

In other March news: "Mom + Baby Yoga", "Motherhood Village Peer Group Support", and "New Baby Support" are all welcoming new participants. There is still room in the "Living With Your Toddler Workshop", which was rescheduled due to weather, to Saturday March 14th, 3:00 - 5:00 pm.  

Are you longing for place? Community? Connection? We might have something you're in need of here at Maternal Wellness Center. Please contact us, if you are interested in any of these groups, classes or workshops. Keep reading for details about all of the early spring happenings, and come be a part of it - you'll be glad you did.

Kellie Wicklund, LPC, PMH-C
Owner + Clinical Director, Maternal Wellness Center LLC


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